Brown Bag Lunch Program – Foundations of the Nation & The Revolutionary War

Rock Island Arsenal Museum 1 Rock Island Arsenal Bldg. 60 – 3500 North Ave., Rock Island, IL, United States

Bring your lunch and join us at the Rock Island Arsenal Museum for our program series exploring the past and present of the Arsenal and 250 years of U.S. Army history. In 1776, a new nation was founded. Established on the blood, sweat, and tears of many. The Army, mustered with the intention of fighting […]


Brown Bag Lunch Program – En Garde!: Rock Island Arsenal Sword & Fencing Equipment

Rock Island Arsenal Museum 1 Rock Island Arsenal Bldg. 60 – 3500 North Ave., Rock Island, IL, United States

Bring your lunch and join us at the Rock Island Arsenal Museum for our program series exploring the past and present of the Arsenal and 250 years of U.S. Army history. Discover the history of sabers, swords, and fencing equipment produced at Rock Island Arsenal. The program will be held in the Museum's classroom, located […]


Brown Bag Lunch Program – A New Nation, A New Army 1784 – 1860

Rock Island Arsenal Museum 1 Rock Island Arsenal Bldg. 60 – 3500 North Ave., Rock Island, IL, United States

Bring your lunch and join us at the Rock Island Arsenal Museum for our program series exploring the past and present of the Arsenal and 250 years of U.S. Army history. After proving itself as a reliable fighting force following the Revolutionary War, the Army set off on new endeavors. From its second contact with […]

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