About the Rock Island Arsenal Historical Society
The Rock Island Arsenal Historical Society is the private nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable support organization of the Rock Island Arsenal Museum.
It is a non-federal entity and is not a part of the department of defense or any of its components and has no governmental status.
Mailing Address:
Rock Island Arsenal Historical Society
P.O. Box 3001
Rock Island, IL 61204-3001

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Become a Member
By joining the Rock Island Arsenal Historical Society, you pledge to pay annual dues which offer significant financial help to the Rock Island Arsenal Museum in running the museum and continuing the mission of collecting, preserving, and interpreting the history of Rock Island Arsenal and Arsenal Island.
Membership benefits include:
Membership pricing:
The RiCHARD C. Maguire Scholarship
DUE July 15th
The Rock Island Arsenal Historical Society is proud to offer The Richard C. Maguire Scholarship for individuals pursuing a master’s degree or doctorate in history or a related field (museum studies, archaeology, geography, anthropology).
This scholarship provides financial support to 1 student per year who demonstrates exceptional academic achievement and a passion for historical research. Applications for this scholarship are due on July 15th.
The Rock Island Arsenal Historical Society is honored to support the next generation of historians through this prestigious scholarship opportunity.